SKILLS is excited to pilot the Employment Services that the Maine Office of Aging and Disability Services has outlined in the Lifespan Waiver, for members on Sections 18, 20, 21, and 29.

These services are designed to be progressive, and intended to initiate at different points depending on the needs of the individual. Each service is time-limited to assist the individual with moving through the process toward competitive integrated employment.

This project will provide confidence-building and employment opportunity awareness through individual and group instruction and seeks to be an ongoing resource for both peer support organizations, employment providers, and potential job seekers in Kennebec, Somerset, and Penobscot Counties.

SKILLS Employment Services will offer several curriculums aligned to individual needs, led by SKILLS' employment specialists.


Patrick Bagley 
Community Integration Services Manager
[email protected]

Employment Supports

Employment Exploration

Not sure if you want to work? That’s okay. Employment Exploration is designed to help you find what kind of jobs are out there, jobs that make you excited. With your Employment Specialist, you will go on business tours, talk to employers and workers, and look at jobs in your community that fit the things you like and are good at. You will also have the opportunity to meet with a Benefits Counselor to become informed about how working may or may not affect the benefits you receive.

Job Coaching

Sometimes people need a bit of support to succeed at work. A Job Coach will use the least amount of help you need to maintain your job and improve your job performance. The Job Coach will work with you to develop a plan so that you can work more independently as time goes on.

Integrated Employment Pathways

This service will help you learn and improve on the skills you need to succeed in the workplace. “Work” is more than just showing up and doing a job task. You need to know how to talk with supervisors, dress for success, be safe, and get along with your coworkers. An Employment Specialist will meet with you 3 hours per week over a 3-month period. You can participate in Integrated Employment Path while also using other services, such as Job Development Planning.

Co-Worker Supports

Instead of using a Job Coach, you and your employer might prefer to receive Coworker Supports. In this service, we will work with your employer to assign someone at your workplace to help you like a job coach would, to be sure you are successful and comfortable.

Job Development Planning & Implementation

An Employment Specialist will meet with you and the members of your support team to come up with a plan for finding a job in your community. We’ll help you put together a résumé, and look at what you’re good at and the things you like to do, and your experience to help focus your job search. You and your Employment Specialist will then put your plan into action: submitting your résumé and applications, as well as scheduling and getting to interviews with prospective employers. This service can also help someone who is already working in Competitive Integrated Employment, but wants to grow in their job or find a second job.

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